Have fun and learn a lot at an EVGUN "Learn To Shoot Handgun Basics" Class. - EVGUN

Have fun and learn a lot at an EVGUN "Learn To Shoot Handgun Basics" Class.

Our most popular class is our "Basic Pistol Instruction Class". It is a great way for beginners or people that have not shot in a while to learn the basics of handgun safety and handling. If you are interested in our Texas License to Carry Class and have not shot in a while or are a beginner, this would be a great class to take prior to the Texas LTC class.

We also like to bring along a couple of our favorite guns and offer our students an opportunity to shoot some really fun guns that you won't see elsewhere. 

Click here for a class schedule!

22 rifles

Conceal carry holder stops violent criminal

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EV Gun

  • 12777 Jones Rd. Suite 102
    Houston, TX 77070
  • sales@evgun.com
  • (855) 443-1655


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